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江苏“夜经济”持续回归 进一步提振市场消费









(江苏广电融媒体新闻中心记者/尹美又 冯水清 黎明 颜斌 王健安 供片台/常州台 淮安台 无锡台 扬州台 射阳台 昆山台 编辑/张萌)



























上海作为国际化大都市,经常给人一种繁忙、喧嚣的印象。然而,在这个繁华的城市中,有着一些令人屏息的秘境,让人们可以逃离喧嚣,亲近大自然。 据说,上海的后花园中隐藏着50个令人屏息的自然宝地。这些地方少有人知,但却让人流连忘返。究竟是什么样的迷人之处?让我们一起去探险吧! 首先,我们来到了位于浦东新区的航头镇爱上海。这里有着茂密的森林和清澈见底的小溪,仿佛进入了另一个世界上海新茶资源。在这里,你可以漫步在林间小道上,感受大自然的气息上海花千坊。还有一片湿地公园,是候鸟迁徙的中转站,经常可以看到成千上万只候鸟在这里栖息。 接下来,我们来到了上海市郊的松江区。这里有着壮观的辰山植物园,以及周庄古镇。辰山植物园是上海最大的植物园,占地面积达2000多亩。园内有各种珍稀植物,以及湖泊、温室等景观。而周庄古镇则是一座古老的江南水乡,保留了完整的古建筑和水运交通系统,让人仿佛回到了过去。 最后,我们来到了杨浦区的东湾湿地公园。这里是上海市首个大型湿地公园,也是黄浦江两岸少有的原生湿地保护区之一爱上海后花园。在公园内,你可以看到各种鸟类和植物,还有很多户外活动的场所。这里是城市里难得的宁静之所,让人感受到大自然的独特魅力上海品茶网。 总之,上海作为一个国际化城市,虽然有着喧嚣和繁忙的一面,但在它的后花园中,隐藏着50个令人屏息的自然宝地。无论是郊区的山林、湖泊,还是城区的湿地公园,都能让人们逃离城市的喧嚣,感受到大自然的美与宁静。如果你对探险和自然有兴趣,不妨去一探究竟吧!爱上海同城交友


上海龙凤419:Enjoying our latest content?Login or create an account to continue

Enjoying our latest content?Login or create an account to continue

It is said that a lie can fly halfway around the world while the truth is getting its boots on. That trek to challenge online falsehoods and misinformation got a little harder this week, when Facebook’s parent company Meta announced plans to scrap the platform’s fact-checking programme, which was set up in 2016 and pays independent groups to verify selected articles and posts.

The company said that the move was to counter fact checkers’ political bias and censorship. “Experts, like everyone else, have their own biases and perspectives. This showed up in the choices some made about what to fact-check and how,” Meta’s chief global-affairs officer Joel Kaplan wrote on 7 January.

Nature spoke to communication and misinformation researchers about the value of fact-checking, where perceived biases come from and what Meta’s decision could mean.

In terms of helping to convince people that information is true and trustworthy, “fact-checking does work”, says Sander van der Linden, a social psychologist at the University of Cambridge, UK, who acted as an unpaid adviser on Facebook’s fact-checking programme in 2022上海龙凤419. “Studies provide very consistent evidence that fact-checking does at least partially reduce misperceptions about false claims.”

For example, a 2019 meta-analysis of the effectiveness of fact-checking in more than 20,000 people found a “significantly positive overall influence on political beliefs”1.

“Ideally, we’d want people to not form misperceptions in the first place,” adds van der Linden. “But if we have to work with the fact that people are already exposed, then reducing it is almost as good as it as it’s going to get.”

Fact-checking is less effective when an issue is polarized, says Jay Van Bavel, a psychologist at New York University in New York City. “If you’re fact-checking something around Brexit in the UK or the election in United States, that’s where fact-checks don’t work very well,” he says上海新茶网. “In part that’s because people who are partisans don’t want to believe things that make their party look bad.”

But even when fact-checks don’t seem to change people’s minds on contentious issues, they can still be helpful, says Alexios Mantzarlis, a former fact checker who directs the Security, Trust, and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech in New York City.

On Facebook, articles and posts deemed false by fact checkers are currently flagged with a warning爱上海同城对对碰. They are also shown to fewer users by the platform’s suggestion algorithms, Mantzarlis says, and people are more likely to ignore flagged content than to read and share it.

Flagging posts as problematic could also have knock-on effects on other users that are not captured by studies of the effectiveness of fact-checks, says Kate Starbird, a computer scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle. “Measuring the direct effect of labels on user beliefs and actions is different from measuring the broader effects of having those fact-checks in the information ecosystem,” she adds.

Regarding Meta’s claims of bias among fact-checkers, Van Bavel agrees that misinformation from the political right does get fact-checked and flagged as problematic — on Facebook and other platforms — more often than does misinformation from the left. But he offers a simple explanation.












上海新茶工作室微信:Science Has Determined the 15 Most Influential Rock Bands of All Time, Do You Agree With the Results?

Science Has Determined the 15 Most Influential Rock Bands of All Time, Do You Agree With the Results?

Not even rock ‘n’ roll is immune to the impervious scrutiny of scientific analysis, as demonstrated by an online study from December 2024 that sought to find the most influential rock bands of all time. Sadly, there were no white labcoat-clad scientists pouring rockers’ sweat into beakers or quantifying the face-melting capabilities of a heavy metal riff.

But there were a lot of numbers to crunch, and indie musician and Audiomack senior project manager Chris Dallas Riva was up for the challenge. Like all arguments centered around rock ‘n’ roll, whether or not the results of Riva’s study surprise you largely depends on your particular taste in rock.

(This writer found No. 4 to be the most surprising, but everyone’s a critic.)

Music, like all art, is highly subjective. Music to the ears of one listener could be intolerable noise to another, making it difficult to scientifically quantify the heavyweight description of the “most influential rock band of all time.” Of all time? ‘To whom?’ One could reasonably ask. ‘In what way?’ Another fair question. Chris Dallas Riva cut through the minutiae and used good ol’ Wikipedia to fashion himself an online data analysis project. First, Riva gathered 479 artists on Wikipedia’s list of mainstream rock performers.

Next, he scoured the Wikipedia pages for mentions of other bands as notable influences, whether from the artists themselves, critics, or music historians上海新茶工作室微信. Then, Riva compiled the hyperlinked artist names and recorded their frequency across the nearly 500 Wikipedia pages. Using this data, Riva made a list of the top 15 most influential rock bands of all time.

The top five include the Beatles (210 mentions), Led Zeppelin (151), the Rolling Stones (146), U2 (139), and David Bowie (127). Bob Dylan came in at No. 6 with 125 mentions. Elton John had 114, the same as Queen, and Jimi Hendrix and the Red Hot Chili Peppers both had 112爱上海同城论坛. Bruce Springsteen followed close behind with 111 mentions, followed by Green Day (110), Aerosmith (109), the Who (107), and Metallica (104).

“According to this methodology, the Beatles are not only more influential than the Rolling Stones. They are the most influential rock band of all-time. If you’ve read anything about rock music in the last six decades, this shouldn’t come as a shock,” Riva wrote上海新茶资源. “The Beatles are probably the most popular and critically acclaimed act to ever record a song.”

Scientific data doesn’t leave much room for personal opinion, but this is rock ‘n’ roll, and rock ‘n’ roll is all about breaking rules上海各区新茶工作室. So, do you agree with the results? For this writer, the top three make the most sense. Even those unfamiliar with rock music would likely be able to cite the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and the Rolling Stones as three of the biggest names in the genre. U2 taking the fourth spot above the likes of David Bowie and Bob Dylan was somewhat surprising, but that’s coming from someone not that into U2.

Rock is in the ear of the listener, we suppose. But it’s still interesting to see the data that came back from Chris Riva’s study. And as he put it on his blog, “As long as your process is sound, an analysis is generally worthwhile irrespective of the results.”















上海419论坛:’I was shaking when I first unearthed it’: 11th-century silver coin hoard unearthed in England

'I was shaking when I first unearthed it': 11th-century silver coin hoard unearthed in England

Archaeologists in England have unearthed a hoard of 321 silver coins in mint condition on the construction site of a nuclear power plant. The coins were wrapped in cloth and lead, suggesting their owner may have been trying to protect them while burying them to avoid having them confiscated.

The coins — some of which are from small, rural mints, and therefore quite rare — date to between 1036 and 1044. This means they coincide with the start of the Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor’s reign, a turbulent period of English history during which the king exiled and confiscated the properties of several elites who had fallen out of his favor, according to a statement.

The 11th-century value of the coin hoard, amounting to 320 pence, would have been a sizable sum for most people at the time — enough to buy about 16 cows, said Alexander Bliss, a coin specialist with Oxford Cotswold Archaeology (OCA), the organization that excavated the coins.

“Perhaps the owner of the hoard was concerned about the new regime [or] political situation and wider social instability, taking steps to hide their wealth,” Bliss told Live Science in an email. “There are now three hoards from this period (1042 to 1044) known across England, which strengthens the idea that the first years of Edward’s reign were not calm.”

Related: Anglo-Saxons plagiarized a Roman coin — and it’s full of typos

Anglo-Saxon coin hoards are relatively rare, Bliss said, and the newly discovered treasure stands out because archaeologists excavated it in its original context, with a preserved textile pouch still holding the coins上海419论坛. Many coin hoards lack such context, either because they have been disturbed by agricultural activity or because some metal detectorists don’t immediately recognize the significance of broken casing and leave it behind.

“In this instance, preserving the pouch was very important because it forms part of the overall ‘object’ as one element of containment for the coins,” Bliss said. “We also wanted to understand whether the lead was just a piece of sheet or had been detached from a larger object.”

Archaeologists undid the pouch in a laboratory and determined that the lead wrapping was manufactured from folded sheet, suggesting that the owner of the hoard took care when burying it and used a casing he or she knew to be sturdy.爱上海同城交友

Based on the archaeological record, lead sheet was not an uncommon method of storing coins — but the choice of this relatively solid material begs the question of why the owner didn’t use a pot instead, Bliss said. “Perhaps they were unable to access one which was small enough, or alternatively perhaps they wanted to try and disguise the valuable contents,” he said.

The owner of the hoard was likely a person of middling status, rather than an elite or somebody of national importance. They might have had local influence and therefore feared repercussions from the regime change, prompting them to bury a saving pot following the coronation of Edward the Confessor.

Archaeologists discovered the coin hoard while excavating a site on the Suffolk coast in eastern England, where construction for a new nuclear power station called Sizewell C began in 2024.

“I was shaking when I first unearthed it,” Andrew Pegg, an OCA archaeologist, said in the statement上海娱乐网. “The information we are learning from it is stunning and I’m so proud to have added to the history of my own part of Suffolk.”







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